Montanaro E., Tonveronachi M., “O sistema financeiro da União Europeia pós-Lehman: respostas políticas e regulatórias”, in As Transformações no sistema financeiro Internacional, ed. by Marcos Antonio Macedo Cintra and Keiti da Rocha Gomes, ipea, chapter 3, volume 1, Brasilia. English version 

Montanaro E., Tonveronachi M., “Financial reforms at a crossroads: How the European experience strengthens the case for a radical reform built on Minsky’s approach”, PSL Quarterly Review, vol. 65, no.263, 335-383. Downloadable from: http://ojs.uniroma1.it/index.php/PSLQuarterlyReview/issue/view/557/showToc

Roncaglia A., “Keynesian uncertainty and the shaky foundations of statistical risk assessment models”, PSL Quarterly Review, vol. 65, no.263, 335-383. Downloadable from: http://ojs.uniroma1.it/index.php/PSLQuarterlyReview/issue/view/557/showToc.

Tonveronachi M., “Propuesta para un pacto fiscal y de crecimiento”, Ensajos Económicos, Banco Central de la República Argentina, vol. 65-66, Septiembre, 77-106. Downloadable from: http://www.bcra.gov.ar/pdfs/investigaciones/65-66_Tonveronachi.pdf



Montanaro E., Tonveronachi M., “A critical assessment of the European approach to financial reforms”, PSL Quarterly Review, vol. 64, n. 258, pp. 193-226.

Roncaglia A., “Macroeconomics in crisis and macroeconomics in recovery”, PSL Quarterly Review, vol. 64, n. 257, pp. 167-185.

Tonveronachi M., “How Not to Stress EU Banks and Their Supervisors”, Ideas, Themes, July. 



Montanaro E., Tonveronachi M., “Reestructuración del sistema financiero: presentación sintética de un enfoque alternative para la regulación financiera”, Ensajos Económicos, Banco Central de la República Argentina , enero-julio, pp. 127-143. Available at: http://www.bcra.gov.ar/pdfs/investigaciones/57-58_Tonveronachi.pdf

Roncaglia A. Why the Economists got it wrong. The crisis and its cultural roots, Anthem Press, London.

Tonveronachi M., "Cominciamo a parlare della prossima crisi" (Let's start discussing the next financial crisis), Moneta e Credito, vol 63, n. 249, pp.35-50.

Tonveronachi M., "Financial innovation and system design", PSL Quarterly Review, vol. 63, n. 253, pp. 131-144.

Tonveronachi M., “Empowering supervisors with more principles and discretion to implement them will not reduce the dangers of the prudential approach to financial regulation”, PSL Quarterly Review, vol. 63, 255, pp. 363-378.



Montanaro E., Tonveronachi M., “Il secondo pilastro di Basilea 2. Prove di stress per le banche o per la vigilanza?”,(The second Pillar of Basel 2. Stress tests for banks or for supervisors?)Banca Impresa Società, XXVIII, n. 1.

Montanaro E., Tonveronachi M., “Rischio di liquidità, crisi bancarie e regolamentazione: nuove prospettive”, (Liquidity risk, bank crises and regulation: new perspectives) in Banche e sistema finanziario. Saggi in onore di Francesco Cesarini, Il Mulino, pp. 83-101.

Roncaglia A., “Rules, instability and crises”, PSL Quarterly Review, vol. 62, 248-251, pp. 3-13.

Tonveronachi M., Montanaro E., “Preliminary proposals for re-regulating financial systems”, Quaderni del Dipartimento di Economia Politica, University of Siena, n. 553, January.